Cyber-Vigilance Academy Berlin offers both on-site training and E-learning courses, catering to different clients in need of IT security services.
Our training sessions give practical knowledge to help your teams prepare for current dangers and security measures. You will learn how to recognise and avoid hazards in order to safeguard your IT systems and sensitive data.
Our courses provide in-depth training targeted to your company’s/ institution needs, covering everything from the fundamentals to specific issues. In this approach, you support a security culture that protects your information while still meeting the newest security standards.
Our online courses will help your personnel become more conscious of information security. The oline courses will be added soon. Make sure to be subscribed to our newsletter to be updated.
Data Protection
Phishing & data theft
Sensitive Information
Secure passwords
Mobile and remote working
Physical security
Clean Desk
Code of Conduct
Malware & Ransomware
Report incidents
social networks
:::::::: and many other topics.